Friday, October 4, 2019

ERP Story Write Up Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

ERP Story Write Up - Case Study Example ementation of the ABC software package but business processre-engineering.ABS is looking forward to merge its three entities; shell out old ways of doing business and adopt best practices in order to push growth of the company.ABC software package is only a helping tool in this process. In my opinion two things need to be done immediately – the first is that ownership of the project should be taken by business; IT person should only help as finally the business will not be done by IT persons. (Bernard Grabot) The project manager can be a person from the technical side but ownership of the project should not be with him, he should be seen as doing something which the top management wants. The news of the implementation and the final authority should be with a person who is well respected within the three firms and has a lot of functional knowledge about business practices of the three companies. IT knowledge is secondary in such business reengineering projects; even consultants can provide that. Lastly the project implementation team should be comprised of both IT persons as well as functional people from the three companies. This will ensure a proper implementation. (Bernard Grabot) Finally the presentation should contain success stories – various companies in which the consultants implemented ERP and how they turned around their business. Most of these stories should be from insurance firms as well as service sector firms. In order to choose the best project manager from the list which has been provided we will use the following grading rubric for the three prospects - functional knowledge, ABC implementation knowledge and experience; Project management experience; Change management experience (managing changes caused due to ERP implementation); experience of various technical systems (Bill Holtsnider) (needed in order to understand which legacy systems need to be preserved.)On the basis of the above points we will analyze the three candidates – By

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